
February 22, 2019by The Conco Companies

Sea-Tac Update -The Conco Companies

Conco is teaming up once again with Clark Construction. Conco’s Northwest division is returning to Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) Airport to provide concrete services for the LEED Silver International Arrivals Facility (IAF) building on the east side of the South Terminal Expansion (Concourse A). The new Arrivals Facility will help the airport manage the increasing demand for international flights. The IAF will host gates A3-A14 in an elevated sterile corridor, raised nearly 32 feet above the apron level, with approximately 45,000 square feet of floor space.

In addition to the overall 450,000 Sq. Ft. of the IAF, the project also includes a 900 ft long aerial passing over the existing taxi lane at a height of 85 feet (allowing planes to travel beneath), to connect arriving international passengers at the South Satellite Terminal to the top of Concourse A and the new space. The bridge components will be prefabricated off-site and installed within a seven-day time frame. The construction activities are taking place in an active area of the airport, requiring an additional level of coordination – and patience- for all involved. Upcoming project milestones include:

  • PW-1 Concourse A Concrete Core Bridge Support Completion
  • IAF Slab on Grade Completion
  • PW-4 South Satelite Concrete Core Bridge Support Completion

The Conco Companies is a leading supplier of concrete services for the Western U.S. We got our start in the Bay Area in 1959 by offering clients the best value on a wide range of concrete services and products. Since that time, we have taken a leading role as one of the top concrete contractors in the region. We have four regional offices serving California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.

Sea-Tac Update -The Conco Companies
Sea-Tac Update -The Conco Companies (4)
Sea-Tac Update -The Conco Companies (2)
Sea-Tac Update -The Conco Companies (3)

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