The Conco Companies are providing all of the concrete and reinforcement services for the $20.5 million De La Salle H.S. STREAM Innovation Center. The 27,288 square foot, 2-story building will incorporate both “green” design and construction. The multi-disciplinary building broke ground in June, 2014 and is scheduled to open August, 2015. The Center will expand teaching and learning opportunities by allowing the school to increase course offerings to prepare students for a rapidly changing global job market. STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
This project had to be completed in a way that did not interfere with the busy school schedule and extracurricular activities associated with a highly reputable high school. Therefore, a large mat foundation pour was completed on Saturday and elevated concrete slabs were scheduled around important events.
Read more about De La Salles Stream Innovation Center